condor trek

Best Treks in Ecuador

from $2,300.00$1,800.00

Best Treks in Ecuador – This is a combination of all the best treks of Ecuador including the northern lakes of Altar, the Vicuña Trek and the Inca Trail. Its a complete outdoors package for camping and hiking lovers that takes you into the most spectacular landscapes of Ecuador’s Andes Mountains.

Northern Lakes: This Part of the Tour, is for acclimatization with easier less challenging treks, such as Cuicocha and Imbabura climb, we also visit the world famous market of Otavalo and it´s surroundings

Cotopaxi: 2-day trek from Limpio Pungo to the Sincholagua base, spending the night in Cotopaxi mountain Refuge.

Vicuña Trek: This is a 3-day tr

ek in the central volcanos Carihuairazo and Chimborazo, passing through the Portal Andino valley

Altar Trek: 3-day trek to visit the Yellow lagoon crater in Sangay National Park


Ingapirca Inca Trail: Also a 3 day trek passing through Sangay National park and lagoons on the highlands and paramos, we finish this trek in the Inca ruins of Inga Pirca, from here we head to Cuenca to finish the tour.


Ecuador Best Treks Acomodation:

Adequate camping gear and accessories will allow you to have a fantastic night out, in the Andean Mountains and paramos of Ecuador; Mountain Refuges and Camping sites are used, depending on the request of the clients, for Yellow lake we suggest to always request refuge, as weather in Altar can be very unpredictable, as for the lagoons of altar we make this trip on request, this is an exclusive camping trip in the most remote areas of Sangay National Park, This last option is not for beginners, and needs experienced trekkers or outdoors people to be more enjoyable.

Between, we will be heading to 3-star hotels comfortable for recovering and regaining strength for each adventure.

Condor Trek

Do you want to Trek and Hike Ecuador Best Treks in 2019? Check out our Open Tour and Join us for a great adventure

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    • Reviews 0 Reviews
    • Vacation Style Holiday Type
    • Activity Level Day Hike
    • Group Size Medium Group
    All about the Best Treks in Ecuador.

    We start the tour on request with 2 clients.

    The tour package inclusions and exclusions at a glance
    What is included in this tour?Items that are included in the cost of tour price.
    • Transport from Riobamba to Sangay National Park and back
    • Camping Equipment including  sleeping bags, sleeping mats
    • Carrying mules
    • National Park permits
    • Guides
    • All food including meals for breakfast lunch and dinner and snacks (Please tell us if you are a vegetarian)
    What is not included in this tour?Items that are not included in the cost of tour price.
    • Travel insurance and other emergencies
    • Tips
    1. Day1 Quito

      Welcoming and pick up in Quito
      Transfer to Hotel and Resting

    2. Day2 Otavalo - North Lakes

      Quick Visit to Lago San Pablo and Otavalo city and market

    3. Day3 Cuicocha

      Trek in the Cuicocha circuit, about 3 hours, this is very good for aclimatization to altitud

    4. Day4 Imbabura

      The imbabura clib takes about 5-6 hours, depending o clients pace, a great over view of Ecuador´s norther territory

    5. Day5 Latacunga

      Transfer to Latacunga and rest, Quick stop in Qulotoa and visit to the Iconic Lagoon

    6. Day6 Cotopaxi

      Trek from entrance to Tambo paxi – about 4 hours trek

    7. Day7 Riobamba

      Transfer to Riobamba, Resting and preparation for main treks

    8. Day8 Vicuña trek

      Portal Andino -Crossing the Carihuairazo and Chimborazo Valley

    9. Day9 Carihuairazo Chimborazo

      a climb to Chimborazo Refuge through the national park

    10. Day10 Chimborazo -Riobamba

      Climb down to the chorreras passing, and transfer to Riobmaba – Rest

    11. Day11 Altar

      Entrance to Collanes refuge – climb 6-7 hours to refuge

    12. Day12 Yellow Lagoon

      Trek to the yellow lake lagoon circuit to the valley and return to collanes refuge

    13. Day13 Return to Riobamba

      Trek down to Releche hacienda Pick up and Transfer out and rest

    14. Day14 Riobamba Free day

      Resting and recovering

    15. Day15 Inca Trail

      Acchupallas – Cuchicorral

    16. Day16 Paredones

      Cuchicorral – Paredones inca ruins in Sangay National park

    17. Day17 Inga Pirca

      Ingapirca for the ruins tour, and then transfer to Cuenca where tour ends.

    Refuges ad Tents

    Altar Refuge Ingapirca Inca Trail